Alain Dumenil is also present in the press sector through a major acquisition.

Al Ain Duménil Born on May 3, 1949, in Neuilly-sur-Seine,” Al Ain Duménil can specify himself like a French entrepreneur, writer, or even patron whose accomplishments during his career have left him one of the most importantAlain Dumenil great bosses excellent from France.

Al-ain Duménil is fundamentally distinguished from Other great French sailors, because of his preference for culture; this is undoubtedly something that occupies a very crucial area in his life, in special for this purpose where the entrepreneur grants many advantages in different methods.

Al-ain Duménil Obtained editions of p L’Herne these really are an independent publishing house based in the 1960s positioned in Paris around Rue Mazarine, it has gained over this lover of civilization rather than hesitates to go contrary to the surrounding trends and thoughts.

Ever since he’s Ever Been taken by his adore For civilization in all its kinds, the businessman even created a literary award. The well-known Duménil Prize, which awards each year per book written with a French author and the winning publication is published between January and April of the very same calendar year .

If Alain Dumenil, Dedicates an unlimited love to literature, other cultural sectors also arouse part of his attention, such as the theater. So , in 2000, the businessman became whoever owns the theater located on Rue Blanche, at Paris. This has a room that may accommodate up to 1,100 audiences.

Though It Isn’t a question of civilization from the Strict sense, the entrepreneur can be also present from the newspaper sector by means of a important acquisition. The latter does occur in ’09 and refers to this Agefi SA press set that bought GSMN. The group possesses L’Agefi, a renowned Swiss business daily.

Maintaining a picture of Al Ain Duménil would not be a Wholly full notion without Addressing the very un-known aspect that distinguishes him from every other entrepreneur: his own knack as a writer he is the author of three novels who’ve experienced a good impact.

Real estate, fund, culture, aeronautics, it Is clear the Alain Duménil has been Successful in all the areas in which he’s opted to invest. A especially Talented businessman with a indisputable desire to explore new worlds, he is Definitely among the absolute most intriguing and initial French frontrunners of latest Many years.